On July 3, 2009, I lost my best friend and husband Rick to Cancer. He was envious of the way that I grew up....all the aunts, uncles, cousins that were a part of all of our lives.
His memories of growing up in Erie were not as memorable as mine, but he truly loved going back to Erie and sharing with our children the way it was 'growing up Crotty'....the many times sitting around the kitchen table at Anna's.
He was so supportive of the time and energy that I spent on our reunion in 2006. He was an incredible help with the genealogy program, working on favors, encouraging me that it was all going to work out and we would all walk away with memories for the rest of our lives. ...and that we did!
We were able to come away from that reunion, reconnected with each other as we all march into this next phase of our life.
True adversity and heartache show all of us how strong we all are. We are a strong family and even stronger individuals and I truly have all the Crotty, Sullivan, Jackson, and Queeney families to thank for this. God Bless the Irish!!