On Wednesday, August 30, 1911 , mine and Nancy’s mother, Virginia, was the 5th child born, second daughter. of the 9 children that Richard and Julia Sullivan Crotty had. I believe my mother told me that she was the first child in the family born in a hospital.
Today marks the 100th birthday of my mother, Virginia.
She has been gone now almost 36 years……gone for more of my life than she was in it. I still have recipes that she wrote in her own hand…..most of them I don’t make anymore….foolish to cook that much food for one person, but I will never part with them. Hopefully they will be carried through to the next generation! (I know they will)
She was a wonderful mother and loved Dad, Nancy and I… there was never any doubt. She also loved her brothers, sisters, nieces and nephews.
The picture attached was take by the family photographer, Tom Barron. The date on the picture was November, 1942. At that time she was a 31 year old widow with a 5 year old daughter. I would assume that she had already met my father, as they were married in March, 1943, in St. Patrick’s Church. He was off fighting in WWII. Maybe it is just me, but this picture has a ‘Mona Lisa’ quality about it.
She was thrilled when I made her a grandmother. A little boy was finally in our family!! She had two years to enjoy being with him before she died. It brought her such joy!!
Not a day goes by that I do not think of her and Daddy with loving memories. Mama, I will always miss you and love you and Daddy both.
Today marks the 100th birthday of my mother, Virginia.
She has been gone now almost 36 years……gone for more of my life than she was in it. I still have recipes that she wrote in her own hand…..most of them I don’t make anymore….foolish to cook that much food for one person, but I will never part with them. Hopefully they will be carried through to the next generation! (I know they will)
She was a wonderful mother and loved Dad, Nancy and I… there was never any doubt. She also loved her brothers, sisters, nieces and nephews.
The picture attached was take by the family photographer, Tom Barron. The date on the picture was November, 1942. At that time she was a 31 year old widow with a 5 year old daughter. I would assume that she had already met my father, as they were married in March, 1943, in St. Patrick’s Church. He was off fighting in WWII. Maybe it is just me, but this picture has a ‘Mona Lisa’ quality about it.
She was thrilled when I made her a grandmother. A little boy was finally in our family!! She had two years to enjoy being with him before she died. It brought her such joy!!
Not a day goes by that I do not think of her and Daddy with loving memories. Mama, I will always miss you and love you and Daddy both.