Lucille was my official 'hair cutter' while I was growing up. When I needed a haircut, I would sit on the high stool in the kitchen at 501 and get my hair cut........I think she may have also given me a perm!! She would refer to her and I as "Dede and Cici, the soap suds twins".
I remember the blackboard just inside the kitchen and the pictures of Santa that she would draw on it.
She made the absolute BEST maple breakfast rolls. When I smell maple sticky buns, I am 10 again and in Lucille's kitchen. I also remember her making burnt toast and scraping the burned part off.
Uncle Tom....always doing something, and always anxious to share with you what he was doing. Every important picture that was ever taken of me while I lived in Erie was by Tom....right up to my wedding! I sure hope one of the Barron boys has all those pictures.
As a young adult, I went with Lucille and Tom to the Kenley Players and we would go for dinner. It opened up a whole new world.
I also remember manhattans made by Uncle Tom.....the next time I go to Rich and Barb's, I am gonna have one and toast all the relatives!!
Aunt Lucille also gave me many perms. I remember her cutting my hair a few times & telling me that I would look good in bangs. My mom always pulled my hair back when I was young, no bangs.
I remember that one Friday night when I was staying at Annas Tom came over to watch boxing on TV. It was probably before him & Lucille had TV. He had smoked white fish for a snack. Tom asked if I wanted to try the fish. I did & loved it. He was surprised that I liked it so much. After all these years it is one of my favorites.
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