Who are your godparents? I think a lot of us have Crotty Godparents...
Dede: Lucille and Tom
Rich: Anna and Jimmy Barron
Patty: Aunt Mary and Uncle Dave
Mike: Mary LaVerne Chellis (Gooie) and Uncle Pierre
Dave: Anna Mae (Barron) Yorke and Charles (Barron) Sullivan
Tom: Julia and Harry
Nancy: Julia and Johnny
Anne: John Razanauskas and Anna
Mike: Johnny and Norma
Lucy: Stan and Florence Razanauskas (brother and sister of Willie)
Mary Ann: Johnny and Virginia
Patrick: Pierre and Lucille
Harry: Willie and Betty
David: David and Mary
Bill: Uncle Bill Callahan and Anna
As a child, I remember being told that Uncle Pierre (1909) was the
first to be baptized in the family christening dress. This gown was then used for the siblings that came after him and all the grandkids (I think).See attached picture of Richard Barron and his godparents. Is that the family heirloom?
According to the Barrons, we believe that the last baby in this dress was great grandson Jeff Barron (1985) The dress is now long gone due to age.
If you can shed any light on this, or have a detailed picture of the gown, please share it with all of us.
I believe it was early 1999. Mom and I were cleaning out the attic at 501. She called me over to where she was, and showed me the contents of a box that held the baptismal gown. She couldn't believe it, the gown had disintegrated! It was all in shreads.
I would say that the gown in the picture is the same one.
Dave said...
As far as the "Baptism Dress" .......... Yes, our sons wore it in 1982 and 1985. The dress was then given back to Mom (Lucille) as she was the "keeper" of the dress and always maintained its beauty with her own hand washing which she insisted on doing. She dressed and undressed the boys before and after each ceremony to be sure it was handled gently. Mother took beautiful care of that gown and made sure that we knew it was only a loan for a few hours on the day of the ceremony. We can remember that Mom was very protective of the gown and rightfully so being it was nearly 100 years old.
Tom says Kyle wasn't baptized in the dress.
Dede said...
so it appears that the last to use this would have been jeff barron.........what a shame........i would love to see it.........i remember when little ann was baptized and she wore it...........
Trish wrote:
I'm only sorry it is gone, because it would have been interesting to see the baptismal gown worn by so many in the family and passed down through the generations. Sometimes things just aren't meant to be. It is wonderful that it was used as much as it was. What a blessing to have shared the witness of the wearing of something with such a special link.
Dede said...
Trish...what beautiful thoughts. If i remembered correctly, it was first used for uncle pierre...that would have been 1909...........jeff was born in 1985.............that was a long time.
our family has been blessed with tradition............even though anna tried her hardest to throw it all out!! did you ever know anna? what a loving remarkable character!!
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