As Easter Sunday approaches, I remember back to my childhood. I always had a new outfit for Easter Sunday...didn't we all?
One time when Kevin was little, he and I were looking through the album of pictures from when I was a kid.
There is a picture of me taken on Easter Sunday in our backyard on Eagle Point, Anna by my side. I was happy and grinning in my new clothes. This would have been around 1955, and I would have been about 9. I had a dress (with a crinoline underneath), patent leather shoes, white anklets, and a short white jacket that was called a topper. To cap off the ensemble, I had a hat on my head that looked like a dinner plate with a flower on top!! My hair was kinda fuzzy (permanent from Lucille??).
When Kevin saw the picture (he was around 5 at the time) he looked at it very carefully, then looked up at me with a very solemn look, and said, "Mommy, were you poor when you were little? " In his mind, I looked like an urchin!! At that time,1955, I thought I looked gorgeous. Now when I look at it, I see only the happy little girl that day.
I laughed so hard, tears were coming to my eyes. Out of the mouths of babes...
The thing I remember about Easter is looking for our baskets in the morning. Tommy and I each got three baskets - small, medium and large. My dad was a really good hider. One hiding place that sticks out in my mind was the basket that was hung on the back of a door at the very top. We always made our candy last as long as possible. Eating the Easter eggs was duty eating :-)
What about David? No Easter Baskets??
This was before David was born.
C'mon cousins....some of you have got to have some Easter memories!
hmmmm....who is 'anonymous'?
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