His name was Butch, but we often called him Butchie Dog.
The floor mat that is in the picture with Butchie Dog came from Mike Jackson when he worked at Continental Rubber. It was made out of some kind of scrap material from one of the rubber molds they had at Continental. Butchie Dog never liked to step on the floor mat for some reason, so he walked around it whenever he went in or out of the house. Hmm, wonder where the rubber mat ever went?
Do you remember milkmen and milk boxes? The milk box in the picture was from either Dairyland or Bernie Cosgrove's Dairy (we had two different milkmen - one delivered early in the week and the other later in the week). Trish still had a milk box when her children were in their early years. She thinks that she had a milkman (Meadowbrook) until the twins were 5 or 6 years old. She hated to see that go as she really liked having a milkman. She misses the personal touch, and still remembers it fondly.
Notice that Butch doesn't have a collar. He also roamed the neighborhood at will, which was common at the time. Mom said that Mike Jackson said that one time he saw Butchie on 6th Street between Parade and German, so he pulled his car over and told Butch to get on home. I can't remember if Butch hightailed it home, or looked at him as if to say 'who are you to tell me to go home'.
I also remember when the living room was remodeled, and we got red carpeting. Butchie Dog must not have liked the red color because he didn't want to walk on it. Mom and Dad thought that was great, and so we never encouraged him to go in the living room.
Addition to red carpet from Tom. BUT--as time went along, Butchie dog would lead you to believe, this is true, but, the evidence that he liked napping on the landing going upstairs, was there, because you could always find dog hair on that landling. He appeared to go there only when no one was at home. Tricky little doggie!!!!
I remember a picture that Uncle Tom took of little Ann and Butchy dog looking out the window. Ann was probably about 2 or 3 at the time.
I think having Butchy dog in the extended family was a great for a kid like me that never had a pet. He was such a sweet dog, I don't remember him barking or jumping up on people or doing any other obnoxious thing that doggies do.
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