John Sullivan, city assessor, residence 236 East Second Street, Erie, Pa., was born in Bantry, county Cork, Ireland, February 15, 1840, and is a son of Thomas and Ellen (McCarthy) Sullivan, both natives of county Cork. Thomas Sullivan was a farmer by occupation, and died in 1886, aged 68 years. His wife departed this life in 1893, aged 90 years. To this couple were born five children: John, Michael, a farmer on the old homestead in Ireland; Thomas, a gold miner in Australia; Humphrey, county assessor for the First ward, Erie; and Margaret, wife of John Donavan, of Ireland. John Sullivan was reared on a farm, educated in the common schools, and worked on the home farm till his 23rd year, when he came to America, landing in Boston in 1863, where he worked as a laborer till 1871, when he came to Erie, arriving May 24. He secured work at the Anchor Line elevators, and in 1874 was made time-keeper and served for four years. He continued in the employ of the company till 1887, when he was elected ward assessor, serving till 1893, when he was elected tax collector for the First ward, serving four years. Mr. Sullivan was married, in 1865, to Miss Ann, daughter of Timothy Dillon, of Rosscarbery (Ros O gCairbre), county Cork, Ireland. To them have been born eleven children: Nellie, Margaret, a dressmaker; Thomas, a conductor on the Erie street railway; Mary, a dressmaker; Kate, Hannah, Julia, John (deceased), Elizabeth (deceased), Humphrey and Annie. Mrs. Sullivan departed this life November 1, 1888, aged 39 years. The family are members of St. Patrick's Catholic Church. He is a member of the C. M. B. A., Branch 12. In politics Mr. Sullivan is a Democrat, and is an honored citizen of his ward.
Nelson's Biographical Dictionary and Historical Reference Book of Erie County, Pennsylvania - 1896
The 1880 PA census shows the John Sullivan family living in Erie. It shows Anna to be 35, and this agrees with her tomb stone, which shows 1845. This date doesn't agree with the Nelson write-up, which states that she died in 1888 at the age of 39. I wonder what other information is wrong in that write-up. My mother used to tell a different story on their immigration to the U.S., but I don't remember it. The census shows Ellen (Nell), Margaret, Mary and Thomas as being born in England! This doesn't jive with the Nelson write-up either.
Nancy said...
I'm afraid I don't know much about the Sullivan emigration. I did hear that Aunt Mamie Crotty was supposed to have been born on the boat and was teased about this? I do remember being told that there was English in our ancestry.
The Nelson write-up doesn't seem correct. Do you suppose that John Sullivan made some of this stuff up when he had it put in the book?
The 1880 census shows Mamie as 11, so she must have been born in 1868 or 1869, and if she was born on the ship coming over, this certainly doesn't agree with the Nelson write-up which has her father coming over in 1863.
Also, I've checked the 1870 census for Boston, and there is no John and Anna Sullivan listed.
If you look at the Humphrey Sullivan write-up which is in the family reunion booklet you will find that it states that John married Ann Dillon of England, not Roscarbery, Ireland as the Nelson write-up states.
He died exactly 60 years before my daughter Robin was born (1982), and 46 years befor Julie Barron McCracken was born (1968).
A day of remembrance for our family for John Sullivan, and a day of joy with the birth ofour daughters
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