A couple of weeks ago, Robin, Anthony, and Aubrey were over here for dinner. I always make sure I have beer on hand for Anthony. He likes different kinds of beer…kinda like cousin Richie!
Anyway, to get to the point, the kind of beer I had required a bottle opener (also known as a ‘church key’). I told him to get the opener off the shelf….it was the bottle opener that Anna had for all the years I can remember. Anthony opened his beer, then looked at the opener and inquired what the ‘hooked’ end was used for. I told him it was used to get the dividers out of ice trays. He and Robin looked at me like they were ready to put me in the ‘home’.
It just reminds me of other things from days gone by. Do you remember:
Anyway, to get to the point, the kind of beer I had required a bottle opener (also known as a ‘church key’). I told him to get the opener off the shelf….it was the bottle opener that Anna had for all the years I can remember. Anthony opened his beer, then looked at the opener and inquired what the ‘hooked’ end was used for. I told him it was used to get the dividers out of ice trays. He and Robin looked at me like they were ready to put me in the ‘home’.
It just reminds me of other things from days gone by. Do you remember:
Toasters that you opened the vertical side, placed the toast in there, closed the door and hoped it didn't burn?
Egg beaters/’mixers’ were very simple hand cranked items that all our moms had in their kitchens?
Coffee percolators? Nothing can come close to that smell or sound! Not even Mr. Coffee.
Clothes were always hung out on a line to dry in good weather or in the basement during the winter.
Coffee cans, always had a key on the bottom. You removed the key and inserted the ‘tab’ and worked it all around the can until it was open.
If your bike got a flat tire, your dad stuck it in a tub of water to find the leak so he could patch it.
Not every kid had their own room? You bunked in with your siblings. Most of us lived at home or in a college dorm or the military until you got married.
I can remember my mother ‘singeing’ pin feathers off a turkey or a chicken. Pre Butterball turkey days.
The clamp on meat grinder that every home had? I don’t remember what mom used it for, but we had one!
The ‘twisty’ doorbell that was on Anna’s front door?

The push button light switches in Anna’s house?
Can openers!! They were instruments of torture…They had a point on one end and you had to do an up and down motion around the whole can to get the entire lid off!!
3 TV stations!!
Most of us have seen all these emails saying ‘remember when’…..Do any of the rest of you have any more remember whens?
Blogged by Dede
I remember one time Pat and Harry and Tommy and I spent the night at Anna's. Not sure when it was, but she went to work the next day so we were left "home alone". So, for breakfast Pat decided to make some toast. Well Anna had one of those "manual" toasters, but Pat only knew of the "pop up" kind. He put his bread in and waited - well pretty soon it started burning. There was smoke all over the kitchen. We all thought it was pretty funny.
My mom had one of those meat-grinders. She used it to make ham salad and also to grind almonds to make almond crescent cookies at Christmas time.
Do you all remember when bed springs were just that? All those metal coils and you put your mattress on top of it? No fancy pillow top mattesses or memory foam or sleep number beds.....and you kept them forever. Now I hear on tv you shouldn't keep a mattress longer than 6 or 8 years! We kept them till they absolutely wore out! We were not raised by a disposable generation!
There exists a second Anna bottle
opener. I have one just like yours
Cousin Tommy
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