I am sure that Tom Brokaw would not mind that I borrowed the title of his book, “The Greatest Generation” for this post. If you haven’t read this, you really should. Willie and all of our parents made this country what it is today and that is what Brokaw’s book is about. When we lost Willie, it made the 13 of us remaining cousins the older generation now. When Richie started the blog back in 2007, it was about our parents, grandparents, great aunts and uncles….all gone to their eternal reward. I sincerely hope that as life goes on, our kids will have some interest in all of this family history. I was unable to attend Willie’s funeral service, but I understand from Rich and Barb that they gave him a good ‘Irish’ send off over a couple of days. You know Willie was up there looking down and saying “I want a shot and a beer”! Everytime Rick and I came to Erie, we would go see him. One time it was near his birthday. We stopped and got him a cake (Boston Creme Pie) and a box of chocolates from Steffanelli's. He was like a little kid at Christmas. Willie, as all the other aunts and uncles, loved us all…..a very sentimental man. When we had our reunion in 2006, I remember Willie standing and watching the slide show with tears in his eyes. I am sure he was flooded with wonderful memories. I also remember about 10 years ago (he would have been about 83 or 84) he sent me an email at work….”Remember, when life hands you a lemon, ask for tequila and salt and make a margarita!” I burst out laughing….my co-workers thought his comment was funny, but were even more amazed that at his age he was able to use a computer. When Lucille died, Nancy and I took Willie back to the St Joseph Apartments after the luncheon. I teased him about being the Lithuanian patriach of this Irish family. He got the biggest kick out of that. God Bless and rest in peace to the last of our Greatest Generation.

Re: the Irish send-off -
After Willie's funeral we all went to the Siebenburger for the repast. We stayed as long as we could and then Bumpy and Marie invited everyone out to their house. Too bad that Dave left about 6:30 because young Pat and Joe started dueling jokes. They were funny!"
Following on that Saturday Barb and I had everyone over to our house. Besides the food and drinks everyone enjoyed watching the 15 minute video that Harry had made during my parents 50th wedding anniversary celebration in 1989.
One evening before the funeral Lucy and Joe took Barb and I and Dan and Sarah out for supper. They had a great time telling very funny stories about their Papa (Willie).
Great tribute to my grandfather. I love the tequila line- I can just picture him saying that. We e-mailed each other every day (even if it was only about the weather!) for years! Thank you for sharing your memories. I miss him!
Many thanks to Barb and Richie and Bumpy and Marie for their kindness and graciousness- it was nice to see the family during the funeral after so many years. We had many laughs! I look forward to the next reunion.
Much Love,
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