Sunday, September 9, 2007

Memories of David and Mary....

The most significant thing I remember about David and Mary, was that I always called him Uncle David, and Mary always called him Dave. As a kid I thought that calling him Dave was funny! I guess I thought Dave was a name for a kid. The house on East 5th st was a fascinating little place..........the bathroom before they remodeled it was huge and Mary had a vanity table with all sorts of perfumes, etc on it. As a little girl, I wanted a vanity with all of the foo foo stuff on it....I think I still am waiting for that!

At Christmas, I recall Mary knitting hats, mittens, or scarfs for me. I don't know if this was every year or just one or two years.

When the Crotty caravan made its way to David and Mary's on Christmas day, she would have the dining room table set up with food. She would have a ham on a platter and you could slice some and help yourself. Having a huge ham on the table, just waiting for you to help yourself.........that was so cool!! I remember Mary's son Tommy Schrenk and his wife Betty........they had several kids. I was confused at that tender age as to how he could be Mary's son, but not really my cousin. Boy, how times have changed.

I also remember Mary's father........we always called him Mr. Sinnott. I remember Mary Lou Sinnott also.


Rich said...

You can see Mr. Sinnott in the picture posted on the Christmas Day blog (in the August archive - he's on the right).

Rich said...

Does anyone remember Mary & David's dog Hershey, or the apricot tree in their yard? Tommy, Pat, Harry and I were allowed to pick them by the basketfull, and then we'd go around the neighborhood trying to sell them - $1 a basket.

Dede said...

I also remember named because she was a female and they referred to the dog as HER or SHE and it stuck.

I vaguely remember the apricot tree...

Nancy Mozart said...

I remember Hershey. I also remember being in the basement when she had puppies. I do remember the apricot tree.

Mary Ann said...

I remember Aunt Mary knitting mittens to give to all of us on Chrismas.

Uncle David seemed so tall to me as a kid. Like a giant.

I thought Aunt Mary's son, Tommy Schrenk, was so handsome.

Mary Lou Sinnott, Aunt Mary's niece lived with Mary & David for awhile after her mother died. Her bedroom was in the attic which was fixed up for her.

I was in Aunt Mary's kitchen with her one summer day when she noticed some neighborhood boys in the apricot tree. She yelled at them to get down. I'm sure she only yelled at them because she didn't want them to get hurt. By the way I do no like apricots.

I wonder how may puppies Hershey had? Seems like she was always having puppies. Does anyone remember that Anna adopted one of the puppies. That adoption didn't work out to well.

Mary Ann said...

I remember my mom telling us that uncle David & Mike Mulligan had once been prize fighters. I guess we will never know how good they were.

Dede said...

I remember the dog Anna had!! I distinctly remember one time she fed it baloney and it barfed it all up everywhere!!

I am going to check with my Mulligan connection to find out about the prize fighter thing!!

Dede said...

I have hopefully clarified the boxing info provided by Mary Ann. According to very reliable sources this is what we know:

Memories from Martha Mulligan Cohen about boxing”
“…don't remember David boxing (other than the fights they were always in) but my father was a professional boxer and is featured in John Carney's book on early Erie sports. My grandmother made him quit. The book is called The Saga of Erie Sports. I found a copy years ago in the used book section of the Erie Book Store. My grandfather is also pictured in Matthew Walker's book on Erie famous...notorious you choose.” Martha

Memories from Willie Rastatter:
“Mike and David had fights to see who was the best but it came out it was a draw neither fought in the ring. I think Mike had a few in the ring according to Johnny.”

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