Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Phone Number 77-106

I remember that Anna's phone number in the early 50's was
I looked in an old phone book from the 40's, and this was also the number for 509 Parade, except it was written as
Before we had a phone, my dad strung a wire between 505 and 501 for a buzzer. If Pat called me, he'd call Anna, and she'd press the buzzer 3 times, and I'd go over to Anna's to answer the phone. If Harry called Tommy, it was 4 buzzes, and if David called David, it was 5 buzzes.

1 comment:

Dede said...

something I had not thought of in years....when I read this, i remember that our first phone number was 52073. It then became GL5-2073.
My parents had to change the phone number when they started getting phone calls from kids looking for Michael Jackson (Jackson 5)

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